Spanish version
What does PAT mean?
PAT means "Plan de Acción Tutorial" and it is a mentoring programme which promotes communication and interrelations between students and educators, to identify the main formative needs and encourage the development of academic and professional skills. Each participant student has a mentor (tutor) who provides personalized assistance, orientation and information during their university life. The PAT also promotes the development of transversal competences, essential from a personal and social perspective, such as interaction, communication, autonomy, responsibility and ethical sense. Finally, the PAT contributes to sensitize educators to the importance of tutorial action and mentorship for higher education.
- Promoting participation and integration of students at university.
- Improving the academic performance of students to prevent early failures and dropouts.
- Providing guidance on the available learning resources at university.
- Helping students to configure their academic itinerary and professional goals.
- Giving students advice about job opportunities or continuing education.
(for detailed information, please see the Spanish version of this page)
- Personal assistance to students via e-mail and periodic personal interviews.
- Seminars about communication and information technology resources at university.
- Workshops on exam anxiety and study techniques.
- Courses on professional orientation and job opportunities.
- Colloquiums on national and international mobility programmes.
Tutor coordination is carried out by a general committee, which comprises representatives from each degree (Biology, Environmental Sciences and Chemistry). More specifically, the PAT coordination committee is made up of:
- The general PAT coordinator of the faculty.
- The PAT coordinator of each degree.
- The Vice Dean for each degree.
- A representative tutor of each degree.
This coordination committee is responsible of scheduling, monitoring and evaluating all the tutorial action activities of the faculty, besides guaranteeing the coherence of the different actions carried out in the framework of each degree.